Wednesday 6th March 2013
Hello dear Friend,
I hope that you are well! Today has been such a fabulously sunny day that I really do believe that spring is on its way! When I walked through the little copse heading for the river the birds obviously thought that it had arrived as they were loudly twittering and singing to each other. Lovely.
Time has been whizzing by as usual. I am getting on well with my new book. At this point friends ask me: How long will it take for you to finish it? To which I usually reply: I don’t know… But I really do hope that I can make good and speedy progress on this one as it is long overdue! I will keep you posted.
Meantime I have been quite diligent in my blogging. As I predicted asking Guest Bloggers along has kept me on track. My latest post features inspiring octogenarian, Pauline Lewis, author and teacher. She tells us all about the wonderful project she presents in four schools in Porthcawl, Wales called Bible Explorer. To read more please visit: Inspiring you to: © Be the Best You Can Be! Mind-body-soul
Veggie Recipes
You will also find on this blog post my recipe for Leek, Potato & Cannellini Bean Stew. Those of you interested in healthy eating will be happy to learn it is a low GL / GI recipe.
Worldwide Bible Studies
I have also posted a new article on the Worldwide Bible Studies website. It is called: Make Heaven Your Goal: Be the Best You Can Be (Mt 5:48). If you would like to read it please follow this link:
I am happy to tell you that my book, 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life is now out as an eBook. For more info please follow the Amazon link:
Dear Diary Archive
To see back entries of Dear Diary. Please visit:
Inspiring Gifts
If you are seeking an inspiring gift (wide range includes t-shirts, mugs, and water bottles, and tote bags) please visit my on-line shop:
Wishing you a fabulous week! Keep in touch…
Love and blessings
Teresa x