Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Summer 2021


Hands Face Space!  Save lives.

Tuesday 20th July 2021

Hello dear friend,

Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope that you and your loved ones are keeping safe, while enjoying a little summer freedom in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Here in Wales we are still subject to many safety rules. But family and friends all agree that even when these ease we will still be voluntarily sticking to these. I think that we will be in the majority. It is great that the summer is here and we can meet up outside!

I am also enjoying being able to attend services inside a church again. I still tune in online too. But Sundays are 'in person' occasions again. And it's also brilliant to meet and catch up outside with friends after the service.


My latest news is that I have had a debut novel accepted for publication by Roundfire Books which is very exciting! It's actually the fourth novel I have written - so I've had lots of practise! But as it will be the first in print it is my debut. Yeah! 

Last time I posted that I had a further non-fiction book accepted for publication this one by Circle Books. It is a prayer guide which shows you how to have a deeper relationship with Christ through talking to Him from your heart and listening for His answers. More details on both of these coming soon.

Meantime, I wish you a safe and happy week in which to count your blessings. So, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in right now, I hope you can try to embrace the gift of life. And if you are in any kind of difficulty say this prayer, or one of your ownDear Lord, please help me to remember that You are always with me. And that with You I can overcome every test. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen

My book 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life, is a practical guide to joyful living which has already helped many through a crisis in their life.  To see the book trailer click on this link:  http://youtu.be/154luv8KMns

The book is available as a paperback but to buy the e-book on Amazon click on this link:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Days-Heaven-Make-Everlasting-Meaning-ebook/dp/B00AIR8CSC

Stay safe, stay close to God.

May God continue to bless you.

 Teresa x

PS. Don't forget to take a look at my blogs:  http://teresaodriscoll.blogspot.co.uk/

and https://creativelivingforthebestyou.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Disasters Emergency Committee need your help!


Stay alert!  Follow the social distancing rules. Save lives.

Sunday 2nd May 2021

Hello dear friend,

Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope that you and your loved ones are keeping safe in the coronavirus pandemic. What a nightmare it has turned out to be. Understatement! Just when some countries think they have it beaten - it breaks out again. Look at the horrendous situation in India. May God have mercy on them. If you want to make a donation to help them I found an organization which is an umbrella over a number of charities which are currently putting their whole focus onto India, it is the Disasters Emergency Committee. Here's the link: donation@dec.org.uk

Much has happened since I last wrote last July. For one thing my prediction that we would soon have an effective vaccine has come about. That we have a number of them is wonderful. In Wales the number of infections has come right down and so we are finally able to meet up with people outside our own households in the open air. This is a real blessing. But we are still keeping a distance between us but that's a small price to pay for safety I feel.

As I said before I have been very interested to see that during lockdown a lot of people began to look for God by tuning in to church services and programmes. Brilliant! They went to the right Person for answers.  

My latest news is that I have had a debut novel accepted for publication by Roundfire Books which is very exciting! It's actually the fourth novel I have written - so I've had lots of practise! But as it will be the first in print it is my debut. Yeah! 

Last time I posted that I had a further non-fiction book accepted for publication this one by Circle Books. It is a prayer guide which shows you how to have a deeper relationship with Christ through talking to Him from your heart and listening for His answers. More details on both of these coming soon.


Meantime, I wish you a safe and happy week in which to count your blessings. So, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in right now, I hope you can try to embrace the gift of life. And if you are in any kind of difficulty say this prayer, or one of your own: Dear Lord, please help me to remember that You are always with me. And that with You I can overcome every test. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen

My book 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life, is a practical guide to joyful living which has already helped many through a crisis in their life.  To see the book trailer click on this link:  http://youtu.be/154luv8KMns

The book is available as a paperback but to buy the e-book on Amazon click on this link:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Days-Heaven-Make-Everlasting-Meaning-ebook/dp/B00AIR8CSC

 Stay safe, stay close to God.

May God continue to bless you.

Teresa x

PS. Don't forget to take a look at my blogs:  http://teresaodriscoll.blogspot.co.uk/

and https://creativelivingforthebestyou.blogspot.com/

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Summer nightmare 2020

Stay alert!  Follow the social distancing rules. Save lives.

Thursday 30th July 2020

Hello dear friend,

I am very glad you stopped by. I hope you are coping well and staying safe amid the coronavirus pandemic. I still regularly feel vibrations of shock when the ramifications of this virus hit me afresh. In Wales, where I live, many people are, unfortunately, becoming a bit too relaxed about the whole social distancing thing. I just pray that it does not come back at us! Especially since we now know, through antibody testing, that the majority of infected people are asymptomatic.  

So please do not drop your guard yet. I am very optimistic that we will soon have an effective vaccine, which seems to be the only real way to get back to some kind of normality. Having said that I do hope that, like me, you are safely enjoying time with family and friends.

I have been very interested to see that during lockdown a lot of people began to look for God by tuning in to church services and programmes. Brilliant! They went to the right Person for answers. On this topic I have news: During lockdown I have had another book accepted for publication by Circle Books. It is a prayer guide which shows you how to have a deeper relationship with Christ through talking to Him from your heart and listening for His answers. More details coming soon.

Meantime, I wish you a safe and happy week in which to count your blessings. So, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in right now, I hope you can try to embrace the gift of life. And if you are in any kind of difficulty say this prayer, or one of your own: Dear Lord, please help me to remember that You are always with me. And that with You I can overcome every test. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen

My book 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life, is a practical guide to joyful living which has already helped many through a crisis in their life.  To see the book trailer click on this link:  http://youtu.be/154luv8KMns

The book is available as a paperback but to buy the e-book on Amazon click on this link:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Days-Heaven-Make-Everlasting-Meaning-ebook/dp/B00AIR8CSC

 Stay safe, stay close to God.

May God continue to bless you.

Teresa x

PS. Don't forget to take a look at my blogs:  http://teresaodriscoll.blogspot.co.uk/

and https://creativelivingforthebestyou.blogspot.com/


Thursday, 30 July 2020

Beating Coronavirus

Beat the Spread of Coronavirus
Stay home!   
Tuesday 25th March 2020

Hello dear friend,
Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope this post gives you a bit of comfort in this extremely testing time.

Since I last posted I have had a bad bout of shingles, on right side of head, forehead, eyelid, and in eye. It takes a couple of months apparently to get fully fit again, so I am currently self-isolating, along with many others both in the UK and around the world. [Update January 24: Months later I read that getting shingles after Covid has been quite common. I had the virus early January 20 and the shingles about 10 days after I felt well again. And I've since met lots of people who got shingles that way. In light of this some scientists think that happens because Covid has caused viral shock to the body.]   

No matter what your age or state of health this coronavirus crisis is very scary. As Christians though, we do not have to succumb to our fear. Just stick close to Jesus at all times, and He will help you through whatever comes.

 I do believe in the adage, prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and I feel this has never been more important for so many people. Jesus told us in Matthew 24.44 that we must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour we do not expect. I know this applies to His Second Coming but also is true of Him coming to take us individually to our heavenly home... 

So here is a plan: Spiritually prepare, then pray often remembering that God dwells within you. We know this is true because Jesus told us emphatically in John 14:23 that anyone who loves Him will keep His word, and His Father will love him, and They shall come to him and make a home in him.

Then use the exercise below, or one of your own, to make a spiritual preparation for this crisis.
  1. Sit up straight, close your eyes and take a deep in-breath through the nose. Hold that for a few seconds and as you breathe out through the mouth feel the whole of your body relax.
  2. Now, as you become aware of the presence of God, ask Him to remind you of the times you did not do as you know He would have wanted you to. Dig deep into your soul and spirit and feel the regret of that.
  3. Tell Jesus that you are sorry for your lapses. And that you will try, from this moment on, to do His will.
  4. Now sit for a few moments simply enjoying the company of God. Feel the love flowing between you.
  5. When you are ready breathe in and out deeply as before, then open your eyes and have a big stretch.
  6. As you go about your day pause often to remember the presence of God. Use this opportunity to push away fear because, actually, in the context of everlasting life with Jesus, there is nothing for you to fear. No matter what challenges life brings remember that God is with you and cling on to that truth, and He will see you through even the most testing situations.

My book 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life, a practical guide to joyful living which has already helped many through a crisis in their life, will certainly be of use in this one. Click here to buy the e-book on Amazon. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Days-Heaven-Make-Everlasting-Meaning-ebook/dp/B00AIR8CSC

We can beat this virus together by staying home to prevent its spread.
May God continue to bless you.
Teresa x

PS. Don't forget to take a look at my blogs:  http://teresaodriscoll.blogspot.co.uk/    and https://creativelivingforthebestyou.blogspot.com/

PPS Don't forget to check out my book: 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life - which is a practical guide to joyful living!   You can see the book trailer by clicking on this link:  http://youtu.be/154luv8KMns

Monday, 13 May 2019

Refresh Yourself

Refresh yourself!
* Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth.
* Now say,  "Today is the first day of the rest of my life!"
*  Let the relief of a new start soak right into every part of your being.

Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Hello dear friend,
How is your day going? Mine is zooming by, as per usual. But it's a good one.

As well as more writing I am, slowly, slowly, telling everyone I can about my book trailer recently posted on YouTube.

I know that unless you are registered you are not allowed to press the Like button. But that's okay.  It would still be great if you would take a look and share the link too. And I would love to hear your feedback!

So, see the intro to 9 Days to Heaven , The practical guide to joyful living by following this link. 
Wishing you a great week! Love and blessings
Teresa x

PS Don't forget to take a look at my other blogs:  http://teresaodriscoll.blogspot.co.uk/    and https://creativelivingforthebestyou.blogspot.com/

Also, for further inspiration check out my website:  http://www.teresaodriscoll.co.uk http://www.teresaodriscoll.co.uk  

Friday, 8 March 2019

Dare to Dream!

Dare to dream and follow it all the way!

Don't allow your fears to block your dreams. Instead, cultivate a healthy belief in your abilities.

As  Henry Ford once said, "Whatever you think you can or think you can't, either way you are right."

So start to make your dreams come true by first believing you can do so.

Friday 8th March 2019 

Hello dear friend,
The year is zooming along! I hope you are having a productive time! 

How are your New Year's resolutions going?

Perhaps you remember that I was trying to get rid of the main plastic contaminants in my life. And with that goal in mind I tracked down a milkman who delivered organic milk in glass bottles.

I have been getting this milk for a couple of months now and can definitely recommend: a) My particular company Totally Welsh - see Our Products - Totally Welsh   and b) That you try the milk even for its amazing taste alone! [Update January 24: I was using Milk and More but they were bought by Totally Welsh, which is great as well!]

I've gone back to whole milk and can report that this stuff in glass bottles is really a blast from the past. Just like it used to taste. You get cream settling at the top of the bottle - just like real milk used to. 

I have a theory: The majority of us got seduced by cheap milk in plastic bottles sold in supermarkets, and, in doing so, not only did we settle for an inferior product, it is a health-risk not worth taking. 

I also mentioned that I was trying yoghurt in glass. That though was not so successful for me. It tasted good but I prefer thick Greek-style yoghurt and this was too thin for me. I haven't yet been able to track down my favourite kind in glass yet. Perhaps you can help me with that. 

Meantime, please keep telling me what you are up to. I love hearing from you. I delight in the fact that I have readers all over the globe! So please continue to use the Contact me button below.

Love and blessings


PS Don't forget to take a look at my other blogs:  http://teresaodriscoll.blogspot.co.uk/    and https://creativelivingforthebestyou.blogspot.com/

Plus my website:  http://www.teresaodriscoll.co.uk   for further inspiration!

PPS Don't forget to check out my book: 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life - which is a practical guide to joyful living!   You can see the book trailer by clicking on this link:  http://youtu.be/154luv8KMns

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

New Year Fresh Goals!

Get the Most From a Nature Walk!
Hear the birdsong, the ocean thundering, the stream gurgling - not the stream of music flooding your ears, or even the chatter of a friend  on your mobile drowning out these soothing natural sounds.

Then feast your eyes on the source of the communication, and, breathing deeply, relax fully into the moment. 

I predict that even a short walk taken this way will leave you refreshed. 

Tuesday 8th January 2019 

Hello dear friend,
I wish you and yours a very Happy New Year!

I wonder if you have made any new year's resolutions? Mine include trying to eliminate as much plastic as possible in my food shopping. The first item I plan to change is milk in plastic bottles. I have tracked down a milkman who delivers. He also stocks yoghurt in glass jars - so that's another product I regularly eat which I can now buy in glass. Happily both the milk and yoghurt are also organic so healthier and kinder for the cows.

When I have tried this delivery out I will let you know if I can recommend the company involved.

I have made this decision because, as you - all of us?! - know: plastic has carcinogenic properties. And now that, in the UK, the number of people getting cancer is said to be 1 in 2 - and that includes some of my closest friends - I feel that urgent preventative action needs to be taken.

I wonder what new year resolutions you have made. I would love you to let me know. To do this simply click on the Contact me button.

Love and blessings


PS Don't forget to take a look at my other blogs:  http://teresaodriscoll.blogspot.co.uk/    and https://creativelivingforthebestyou.blogspot.com/

Plus my website:  http://www.teresaodriscoll.co.uk   for further inspiration!

PPS Don't forget to check out my book: 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life - which is a practical guide to joyful living!You can see the book trailer by clicking on this link:  http://youtu.be/154luv8KMns